Unlocking the Potential of School Choice in Georgia

Oct 24, 2023

Unlocking the Potential of School Choice in Georgia

Education is the foundation for a successful future, and ensuring that every child has access to high-quality education is crucial. In recent years, school choice has emerged as a powerful tool to empower parents and students in making educational decisions. In the state of Georgia, school choice initiatives have gained momentum, providing families with more options and opportunities for their children's education.

What is School Choice?

School choice refers to the ability of parents to choose the educational environment that best fits their child's needs. This can include public schools, charter schools, private schools, online learning, homeschooling, and more. By expanding the range of options available to families, school choice aims to promote competition, innovation, and improved outcomes in education.

The Benefits of School Choice

School choice offers numerous benefits for students, families, and communities. Firstly, it allows parents to tailor their child's education to their individual needs and interests. Every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. School choice empowers parents to find the right fit for their child, whether it's a specialized program, a smaller class size, or a particular teaching approach.

school choice

Secondly, school choice fosters competition among schools, driving them to improve their offerings and performance. When schools have to compete for students, they are incentivized to innovate and provide high-quality education. This benefits all students, regardless of whether they attend a traditional public school or choose an alternative option.

School Choice in Georgia

Georgia is home to a wide range of private schools, catering to various educational needs. Whether you're looking for religious schools or specialized institutions for children with unique needs, Georgia has it all. With approximately 870 private schools across the state, the average tuition stands at $11,362 for elementary schools and $12,149 for high schools.

Georgia has made significant strides in expanding school choice options for families. The state offers a variety of programs, including charter schools, scholarship programs, and virtual learning opportunities. These initiatives aim to provide parents with more choices and ensure that every child has access to a quality education.

school choice georgia

Scholarships: Making Private Education Accessible

Georgia also offers a specialized scholarship program for children with special needs. Expanded in 2021, this program now includes students with a 504 plan, covering conditions like autism, cancer, and drug abuse among others.

 This program allows parents of children with special needs to choose a private school that can better meet their child's unique educational requirements. It gives parents the freedom to find an environment that provides specialized support and resources.

Worried about the cost? Georgia's Qualified Education Expense Tax Credit program has got you covered. This initiative allows donors to receive tax credits when contributing to scholarship organizations. To apply for a scholarship, simply reach out to one of the Student Scholarship Organizations listed on the Georgia Department of Education's website. They can guide you through the availability and application process. In 2022, the state legislature even increased the cap on donations to this program, making more scholarships available.

Innovative Education Models

Georgia's private schools are not just diverse in type but also in their approach to education. Take Cornerstone Preparatory Academy, for example. They employ a "University Model," where secondary students attend classes on campus three days a week and complete assignments at home on the other two days. This model not only reduces tuition but also allows parents to be actively involved in their children's education.


School choice has the potential to transform education in Georgia by empowering parents, promoting competition, and improving outcomes for students.  Georgia's private schools offer a plethora of choices in education styles, curricula, and cultures. With scholarships and tax credits available, a private education is more accessible than ever. So why limit your options? Explore the world of school choice in Georgia today!   By expanding the range of options available, families can find the best fit for their child's needs, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive. As Georgia continues to embrace school choice initiatives, the future of education looks brighter than ever.


1.    goalscholarship.org - Eligibility Requirements
2.    edchoice.org - Georgia - Qualified Education Expense Tax Credit
3.    cornerstoneprep.org - History Timeline
4.    payitforwardscholarships.com - Pay it Forward Scholarships
5.    dor.georgia.gov - Qualified Education Expense Tax Credit
6.    cornerstoneprep.org - The University-Model and Cornerstone